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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


January 2023

Annual Trade Association Winter Event

Annual Trade Association Winter Event

24 JANUARY 2023

After a hiatus of nearly three years on 23 January the Stationers' Company was delighted to welcome back to Stationers' Hall representatives of many of the Trade Associations linked to the communications and content industry for the (usually!) Annual Trade Association Winter Event.


Invitation to a Service at Chichester Cathedral to celebrate the work of Livery Companies in Sussex

Invitation to a Service at Chichester Cathedral to celebrate the work of Livery Companies in Sussex

23 JANUARY 2023

Members will be interested to know that the work of the Livery Companies in Sussex is to be celebrated in Chichester Cathedral with a service of thanksgiving and reception on Saturday, 13 May 2023, 5.30pm. For full details please log in as a member and visit the Members Notice Board

US Members meet for Dinner on 18 January 2023

US Members meet for Dinner on 18 January 2023

23 JANUARY 2023

The growing number of US Stationers are working hard to increase membership and to develop a sense of fellowship and to that end several of them  met for dinner last week with the Upper Warden who happened to be in the States.  In the picture, clockwise from bottom left  they are: Michael Healy, Tony Mash (the Upper Warden), Bill Rojack, Cevin Bryerman, Roger Rosen, Brian O’Leary and Tyler Carey


Exciting news about  Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book

Exciting news about Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book

19 JANUARY 2023

Our Archivist, Dr Ruth Frendo, has been to collect the Company's copy of Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book which has been undergoing extensive conservation work.  Please click here  to go through to her article about the book and the work undertaken. 

Four New Freemen

Four New Freemen

16 JANUARY 2023

At the Master and Wardens meeting today the Master made four people Free of the Company including a father and daughter which is a very rare occurrence!


New Year’s Honours 2023

New Year’s Honours 2023

9 JANUARY 2023

Our congratulations to Liveryman Robert Pooley MBE on being awarded the LVO in the New Year's Honours List.


December 2022

Christmas Court Meeting - 6 December 2022

Christmas Court Meeting - 6 December 2022


At the Court meeting on 6 December the Master conducted a number of ceremonies.


November 2022

Civic Dinner - Tuesday 22 November 2022

Civic Dinner - Tuesday 22 November 2022

24 NOVEMBER 2022

Liverymen and their guests were delighted to be back in  Stationers' Hall  to attend the Civic Dinner,  the most formal event in the Stationers' calendar.


Stationers' Gin Tasting

Stationers' Gin Tasting

24 NOVEMBER 2022

Why did 18th century Londoners consume two pints of gin a week? The answer, a group of Stationers learned when they visited the only gin distillery within the Square Mile, is that it was cheaper than beer – and because the alcohol killed most bacteria, gin was also healthier.


The Lord Mayor's Show

The Lord Mayor's Show

15 NOVEMBER 2022

Saturday, 12 November 2022 saw The City erupt in colour and noise as the Lord Mayor's show passed through.


New Freeman

New Freeman

14 NOVEMBER 2022

At the Master and Wardens' meeting today, Monday, 14 November, the Master  brought one new Freeman into the Company.


Silent Ceremony - 11 November 2022

Silent Ceremony - 11 November 2022

14 NOVEMBER 2022

On Friday, 11 November the traditional Silent Ceremony at which the Lord Mayor Elect was officially admitted as Lord Mayor of the City of London took place and The Rt Hon. The Lord Mayor Nicholas Stephen Leland Lyons  took up his role  as the 694th Lord Mayor of the City of London.