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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


In general membership of the Stationers' Company is open to those who are or have been actively engaged in the Communications and Content industries, either directly or as a supplier to those who work in these industries.

Membership can also be extended to those, one of whose parents was a member of the Company at the time of their birth; two those who were students at the Stationers' School (Old Stationers); and three others who are actively working and are known to the Master and Wardens.

You start your membership as a Freeman:


Freemen fall into four categories.

  1. Those who are starting their careers in the Communications and Content industries or as suppliers to those who work in these industries.
  2. Those who were students at the Stationers' School (Old Stationers).
  3. Those who are waiting to become Liverymen.
  4. Those who have served as Liverymen and now wish to reduce their commitment to the Company but remain in membership.



Liverymen are full members of the Company, entitled to attend all events, to serve on Company committees and to be elected to serve on the Court of Assistants. In general, Liverymen will be persons of good standing within the Communications and Content industries or suppliers to those who work in these industries.

A small number of Old Stationers (up to a maximum of 15) are entitled to be Liverymen at the discretion of the Master and Wardens. Others deemed worthy by the Master and Wardens may be admitted to the Livery.

Joining the Stationers' Company

Those interested in joining the Company should in the first instance contact Karyn Keating on alternatively please complete our online application form here:  


Once the completed form has been received an applicant will be invited to attend a briefing, usually given by the Clerk of the Company, to learn more about what being a member might involve.

Applications are then considered by the Interview Panel who invite those seeking membership to an interview and make a formal recommendation to the Master & Wardens and subsequently the Court. The applicant is then invited to attend a Freedom ceremony and formally become a Freeman.

In order to proceed to the full status of Liveryman, it is necessary for the applicant to apply for the honour of becoming a Freeman of the City of London after which they may be invited to a Cloathing ceremony to become Liverymen.

Please click here and see what some of our Members have to say about us.