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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


The Stationers' Foundation supports four schools run by Civitas Schools, which focus on inspirational teaching and traditional teaching methods. These enable children to read fluently, spell accurately, learn their times tables and how to do long division.  

The Schools are for children in Kings Cross and Somers Town, in London. Based in the heart of communities, experienced teachers deliver traditional lessons in English and maths to children.

The Schools are four of a network of seventeen supplementary schools across the country, which are organised and managed by Civitas, to encourage disadvantaged children to reach their full academic potential and to open up new opportunities to them. The first of the Stationers’ Foundation Schools opened in September 2009 on an estate near King’s Cross Station. There are places for ninety-two children in total, and pupils have made remarkable academic progress.

At the beginning of every year, Civitas gauges students’ reading ability using the respected Holborn Reading Test. The results allow teachers to arrange classes according to ability level, rather than age or school year.

Visits and Contact Information

Members of the Stationers’ Company are welcome to visit one of the Stationers’ Schools.  For more information about the classes or to arrange a visit, please contact Justine Brian, Director of Civitas Schools.  The project website can be found at

Justine Brian
Director of Civitas Schools
55 Tufton Street
London, SW1P 3QL
Tel: 020 7799 6677

The relevant Trustee of the Stationers' Foundation is Simon Hamlet