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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


The Stationers' Company during the Covid-19 Crisis

In line with the government’s regulations pertaining to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Stationers' Hall is closed.  Development work in line with Vision 350 continues as builders fall into the ‘key-worker’ category and the office team will work from their homes. They can be contacted on their usual email and telephone numbers. General enquiries can be made via or on 020 7246 0982

Scheduled committee and Court meetings are being conducted remotely. Details of how these meetings will work will be given to those involved in advance of the meetings.

The Livery Committee, the Industry Committee and the Library and Archive Committee continue to prepare and present a wide variety of webinars and virtual social events which can be booked via the events page of this website.

We are determined to keep in close touch with our members, whose welfare is of even greater concern to us in these difficult times. We  are conscious that many of us may face many more weeks of shielding and lockdown. We can all help one another with this and, of course, our Honorary Almoner is available to assist.  His details can be found on the Honorary Appointments page of the website.

That Covid-19 still has such a hold is disappointing and frustrating for all of us; however, as Stationers, we hold our six-hundred-year history very much in mind.  Over the centuries the Company has weathered fire, war and indeed plague and we know that the Company will bounce back from this crisis which will become a distant memory.  


To read our upbeat blog, specific to what members and staff are doing during the period of lockdown, please login as a member and click here .

There are also items dating from March 2020 about how our Members and Corporate Members are working to help the NHS and access to information provided by some of the Trade Associations in the Communications and Content industries  on our Latest News page which non-members and Members can read by clicking here.