You can download form here for a one off donation or to set up a regular standing order. We are also looking for donations in kind to support the educational work of the Stationers' Foundation and you can download a form to register your interest in providing such donations.
Completed forms can be sent to
The Charities Accountant, The Stationers’ Foundation,
Stationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane, London EC4M 7DD
Tel: 020 7246 0990
Fax: 020 7489 1975
Alternatively donations can be made via bank transfer:
Royal Bank of Scotland
Sort Code 15-80-00
Account number 10629198
Please put your name as a reference
Donations to the Foundation are also welcome through give as you live:
Donate to The Stationers' Foundation
If you would like to leave a legacy in your will to the Foundation a form may be downloaded here.