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The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


21 MAY 2020

Stationers’ Poetry Book Society  Weekly Poem - Number  5

We are very priviledged that the current Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage has very kindly given his permission for this poem, the fifth  suggested by the Poetry Book Society, to be used on our website.   He wrote this poem to be seen on the page in a very precise way so we reproduce here an image of it as he wans it to be seen.


© Simon Armitage, reproduced by permission of Simon Armitage.

Simon Armitage is the current UK Poet Laureate (2019-2029). He was born in the village of Marsden and lives in West Yorkshire. He is Professor of Poetry at the University of Leeds and was elected to serve as Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford for 2015-2019. Armitage has received numerous awards for his poetry including one of the first Forward Prizes, an Eric Gregory Award, a Cholmondeley Award, the 2017 PEN America Award for Poetry in Translation and a Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry. His latest book Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic (Faber) gathers together his wide ranging commissions and collaborations and is available to order with 25% off for PBS members. You can also watch Simon Armitage performing another lockdown poem, inspired by the plague village of Eyam here.

Join the Poetry Book Society today for a year of thoughtfully curated poetry book parcels delivered to your door every quarter, alongside our lively poetry magazine full of poems, interviews and reviews. Find out more here.

Photo by Alexander Williamson