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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


18 MARCH 2021

News for week ending 19 March 2021

For news on the excavations and ghe latest planning permission update - read on!

Work on the Hall Development Project continues apace and many members will  be aware that the current phase is being conducted with two specialists on site; an archaeologist and an expert in unexploded bombs! 

The latter has so far been completely surplus to requirements and long may that continue to be the case!  The excavation has however already revealed some very old bricks/walls which are shown in the image below .  

The protocols demand that these are investigated and at the time of this news item an expert was expected on site to determine the age of the uncovered bricks.  Fingers crossed that digging can continue shortly.

Finally, on a very positive note, members will be delighted to hear that the City of London Planning Committee unanimously approved the Company’s plans to install an air-cooling system.  So, when we can get back together again in the Hall we shall be able to do so without fear of the sweltering conditions experienced at lunches and dinners in recent summers.