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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


21 JANUARY 2021

Soft strip in progress

Work continues apace on the destructive start to the Vision 350 Project as the "soft strip"  sees the rooms we have known steadily, and yet very carefully, dismantled.  Don't let the images make you sad although they are grim.  Rather,  focus on the progress and the end result!

One thing which those who have been involved in the plannning of this endeavour have been firm about is that, with an eye to sustainability, as many of the fixtures and fittings as possible should be reused.  This week  the parquet flooring from the Library has been lifted and saved for reuse in the new Hall.

Doors from the Court Room  have been taken down and are being carefully stored so that they can be rehung.

And the niches from the Ante-Room have been removed from the wall and saved.