Members £0
Guests £45
Ticket deadline
24 February 2025
10.15 AM Tea/ coffee in the Hall
11.00 AM Process to St Paul's Cathedral
11.15 AM Service begins
12.00 PM Service ends
12.15 PM Buffet lunch at the Hall
2.15 PM Buffet lunch ends
In accordance with the bequest of Alderman John Norton, Master of the Company in 1607,
1611 and 1612, cakes and ale (and other victuals) will be provided to members of the Company before Lent. You are invited by the Master and Wardens to accompany them to the Chapel of St Faith in the Crypt of St Paul’s Cathedral to attend a private service for the Stationers’ Company.
We are delighted that the preacher will be The Rev'd Canon Dr Gregory Platten.
The service will take place in the morning of Shrove Tuesday, before Cakes and Ale. Tea and coffee will be served in Stationers' Hall from 10.15 am, before the Court, Liverymen and Freemen line-up in the Hall, to process to the Cathedral at 11.00 am precisely. The service will commence at 11.15 am.
Following the service, a buffet lunch will be served in the Hall from 12.15 pm. There is no charge for you (members) to attend the buffet at Stationers’ Hall, but there will be a charge of £45 per head for guests.
Places will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis and you will be notified if the event is fully booked.
Tickets will not be issued but an email confirmation will be sent.
Dress Code: Business Attire