The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


15 DECEMBER 2023

Cambridge Bookbinding 1450-1770

A fascinating new book by Liveryman Dr David Pearson, accompanied by a series of lectures, explores the history of book-binding in Cambridge.

Among its many talented members, the Stationers' Company is lucky to include some highly renowned scholars. These include Liveryman Dr David Pearson, who this year held the Sandars Readership in Bibliography, one of the most prestigious honorary posts for book historians (another of our members, Liveryman Dr Gordon Johnson, held the Readership in 2009/10). Sandars Readers deliver a series of lectures at Cambridge University, and although it's too late to invite you to attend in person, you can catch up online thanks to Cambridge University Library's YouTube channel - follow this link for more information:

Inside View of the Public Library, Cambridge, by Thomas Rowlandson

Liveryman Dr David Pearson

The lectures offer a fascinating insight into the evolution of the craft in Cambridge, a major centre for English book-binding, in its historical context. The study of material culture - what artefacts themeselves can tell us about their creation, use and circulation - is a vital tool for understanding our histories, and learning to 'read' bookbindings opens up a whole avenue for exploration. The accompanying book, published by the Legacy Press, is not only a major contribution to the history of the book but a beautiful book in itself.  And available just in time for Christmas... !