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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


15 JANUARY 2025

Introducing your Sector Champion - Packaging Liveryman Roy Dixon

Roy has spent most of his career in packaging and print. He originally trained as an industrial artist, Roy grew a beard and worked as a technical illustrator for an aircraft manufacturer. Next, he joined Gillette Industries and became a packaging and product designer before moving, now very clean-shaven, to the magic world of Marks & Spencer.

At M&S, Roy worked on food and gift packaging. His main β€‹role was ​​to identify new, innovative printing and decoration techniques to boost the visual appearance of M&S products. He also began rapidly losing my hair.

After leaving M&S, Roy started his consultancy specializing in reviewing the quality and environmental standards of packaging/printing companies, and lecturing for the Institute of Packaging.

Roy joined the Stationers' in 2008 and became a Liveryman in 2022