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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries



Stationer Matthew Mayes give us an update on Warrant Holder A-dapt
Adaptive Media®  is a Next-Generation Interactive AI technology format that focuses on creating more natural, adaptive, and emotionally intelligent interactions. By integrating advanced machine learning, conversational AI, emotion analysis, adaptive A-dapt’s format revolutionises how humans interact with screen-based training technology, leading to more human, intuitive, lower cost and scalable training experiences, across a wide range of possible applications - such as corporate training, legal, health and marketing communications.
We have just finished implementing, testing and evaluating our "multi-modal" AI technology with the French Government Agency France Travail in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, across 20 campuses and 6 employers.
This is a video summary:
You can try our Emotion and Conversation AI Agent "Max" at (S key for English – LLM tailored to jobs in South of France)
We are developing PoCs (proof of concepts) for our innovation in the Law sector (witness training and deposition analysis), Health (early stage dementia assessment, based upon scientifically proven method) and Advertising (consumer attention and engagement). 
Yesterday, I gave a Lord Mayor's Gresham lecture which I hope was really well received. The lecture covered my perspectives on AI, as both an AI start-up and as a Stationer. Then I showed some examples of multimodal AI innovation. I thought that interesting parallels can be made between the arrival of printing in 1476 and the arrival of generative AI in 2023. For example, in 1620, Francis Bacon said that in his view there were three inventions that forever changed the world - gunpowder, compass and the printing press. Last year Bill Gates said that there were just two inventions that struck him as revolutionary: the graphical user interface (the forerunner of every modern operating system, including Windows) and Generative AI / Chat GPT. He said: 

The whole experience was stunning. I knew I had just seen the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface. The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone. It will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care, and communicate with each other. Entire industries will reorient around it. Businesses will distinguish themselves by how well they use it.
I think there are parallels, and as Stationers, we should be looking at communication technologies of the future that can have as positive an impact as the printing press - provided they are developed with good intent. And unlike a lot of tech companies, The Stationers' will be around in 500 years!
A-dapt has been selected to be at the CogX Leadership Summit on AI, 7 October, hosted at the iconic Royal Albert Hall, London. 
"Immerse yourself in AI for a day and delve into the crucial question, "How to seize the AI opportunity?". Assess your strategies and team to ensure you're fully equipped to harness AI's potential."