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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries



Bi-Livery Event - 14 January 2021

On 14 January 2021 the Industry Commitee of the Stationers' Company together with the Worshipful Company of Marketors brought to their members and guests a virtual event  entitled Influencer Marketing : doing it right.

Chaired by Marketor Jeremy Stern the panel of experts was as follows:

Jason Freeman - Legal Director at the Competition and Markets Authority
Robert Bond - Partner at Bristows Law and a Certified Compliance Professional
Emily Leary - multi-award-winning author, presenter, blogger, vlogger and a married working mum of two children. Creator of blog: A Mummy Too and
Jessica Zbinden-Webster - Political Communications Strategist at the House of Commons.

Marketor Susan Griffiths provided a report on the event which you can read here.

Stationer Andrew Marsden's report will appear in the next issue of Stationers' News.

Meanwhile you can view the recording of the event by clicking the image below.



Young Stationer, Jessica Zbinden-Webster's presentation can be read in full here.