24 NOVEMBER 2022
Liverymen and their guests were delighted to be back in Stationers' Hall to attend the Civic Dinner, the most formal event in the Stationers' calendar.
The Lord Mayor's presence was required at the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace so the Company was delighted to welcome the Representative Lord Mayor Sir Andrew Parmley who after a fire alam (thankfully no smoke and no fire on this occasion) reminisced about the night in 2010 when he was attending a dinner with the Musicians Company at the Hall when there was a real fire! It was very reassuring to know that our Hall staff led a perfect evacuation of the building - and then got everyone back in again just as speedily!
In the picture you can see (from L-R) Under Warden Paul Wilson, Sheriff and Liveryman Andrew Marsden, The Master Moira Sleight, Representative Lord Mayor Alderman Sir Andrew Parmley and Upper Warden Tony Mash.