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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


17 MARCH 2022

Livery Lunch -  7 March 2022

At the Livery Lunch on 7 March 2022  at Fishmongers' Hall, we were delighted to welcome guests from our school, Stationers' Crown Woods Academy. 

The School Principal, Wayne Barnett, was in attendance along with his colleagues, Faz Rahman, the Head of the Sixth Form and Sadie Green, Deputy Head of the Sixth Form.

As is tradition, we heard from the Head Girl , Dora G, who gave all attendees an excellent update on her year as Head Girl, her future plans and the news of the Academy.

Dora  addresses the Livery Lunch,  Court Assistant Sue Pandit is sat opposite Dora 

The Master closed his speech by paying tribute to Court Assistant Sue Pandit who has been a Governor of the School since it became affiliated with the Stationers’ Company seven and a half years ago and she has been Chair of the School Governors for the last three years. The Master announced that Sue is stepping down from these responsibilities at the end of this Academic Year and thanked Sue, on behalf of the Company, for her dedication and commitment to the School.