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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


3 JULY 2024

Master's Installation 4th July 2024

At the Common Hall meeting for The Stationers' Company, Paul Wilson was installed as the New Master of the Company.

Here seen with his Upper Warden, Doug Wills (L) and Under Warden, Ian Leggett (R)

Paul Wilson served in  British Army from 1976-1986 where he received  extensive language training before transferring to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.  There, he worked on the Eastern Europe and Southern Africa desks and served as First Secretary (Political) at the British High Commission in Islamabad, Pakistan from 1991-93. In 1992 he was one of the diplomatic staff on the Foreign Office mission to the new Mujahideen government in Kabul.

In 1994 Paul joined De La Rue PLC, the leading high security printers. He held a series of appointments in De La Rue’s banknote division before being  appointed managing director of De la Rue’s Identity Systems business in 2003. 

From 2007 until his retirement in 2015, Wilson was responsible for De La Rue’s relationships with the British Government and parliamentarians.

He has chaired the Stationers’ Company’s Library and Archives Committee, Hall and Heritage Committee, Hall Committee and most recently the Hall Project Executive Committee which was responsible for the Vision 350 project..


Pilgrims , Profit and Print : the Stationers of London and the English Settlement of North America ( Bognor Regis , Phillimore Book Publishing,2019)

Hostile Money – Currencies in Conflict ( Stroud , The History Press , 2019 )

Shades of Sovereignty – Money and the Making of the State ( Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2021)