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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


15 NOVEMBER 2021

Six new Freemen

At the Master and Wardens’ meeting on 15 November at Ironmongers’ Hall the Master made six people Free of the Company.  They were:-

Elisa Conselvan, Corporate Communications Director, Gamaiec
Solomon Elliott, Founder, The Student View
Christine Ferdinand, Emeritus Fellow Librarian, Magdalen College, Magdalen College Library
Alessandro Gallenzi, Publisher, Alma Books
Oliver Savage, Financial Director, The Jolly Savage Ltd
Freya Scott, Self-employed Bookbinder and Paper Marbler

Congratulations to them all and we look forward to seeing them at events, in-person and virtual very soon and of course to welcoming them to the Hall as soon as the Vision 350 works are completed.

In the photo you can see from left to right:  Elisa Conselvan, Solomon Elliott, Alessandro Gallenzi, Freya Scott, Oliver Savage and Christine Ferdinand