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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


May 2022

London Stationery Show

London Stationery Show

18 MAY 2022

The Clerk and Deborah Rea were pleased to join Stationery Sector Champion, Liveryman Christopher Leonard-Morgan, at the Stationery Show yesterday, 17 May 2022, the first of two days of exhibits and seminars focused on stationery and greetings cards and held at the Business Design Centre in Islington.  


A huge thank you from Lucie and Ruxandra

A huge thank you from Lucie and Ruxandra

18 MAY 2022

Lucie McCord and Ruxandra Oprea, as many of you will know,  completed the 24th  MoonWalk London overnight from Saturday, 14 May into Sunday, 15 May. They walked 26.2 miles. They have raised well over £2000 for grant making breast cancer charity Walk the Walk, much of which has come from Stationers and they are so grateful for your support. Very many thanks. 


The Stationers Inter-Livery Shooting Team  2022

The Stationers Inter-Livery Shooting Team 2022

16 MAY 2022

Our next big competition event will be  on Thursday, 19th May 2022 at the Holland & Holland Shooting Grounds.



Three New Freemen

Three New Freemen

16 MAY 2022

At the Master and Wardens' Meeting on 16 May  the Master brought three new members into the Freedom.


Charter Dinner - 4 May 2022

Charter Dinner - 4 May 2022

9 MAY 2022

The Stationers' Company commemorated the granting of the Royal Charter by Queen Mary in 1557at its Charter Dinner on 4 May 2022 at Goldsmiths' Hall.


News of Last Year's Major Award Recipient

News of Last Year's Major Award Recipient

9 MAY 2022

Liveryman Mike Clark reports on the visit that he and Liveryman Ella Kahn made to West Dean College.


Northern Stationers Get Together

Northern Stationers Get Together

3 MAY 2022

The Stationers' Company demonstrates yet again that it has a healthy existence outside London


April 2022

Annual Court Trip - 2022 Glasgow

Annual Court Trip - 2022 Glasgow

27 APRIL 2022

Last weekend members of the Court enjoyed the Annual Court trip which this year went to Glasgow. Organised and led by the Master and Sue Flather, the Court enjoyed beautiful weather and great hospitality in this often misunderstood city.




26 APRIL 2022

ApprenticeFutures is the apprenticeship brand of the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Since 2018, when Past Master Helen Esmonde set up the first one, the Company has run an  Apprentices careers festival each year. In 2019 it moved into the Guildhall and became the centrepiece of the London Corporation's London Careers Festival.  In lockdown the event went online.


Four new Freemen

Four new Freemen

25 APRIL 2022

At the Master and Wardens’ Meeting held at Wax Chandlers’ Hall on Monday, 25 April the Master brought four new Freemen in to the Company.


Stationers' Hall Charity will benefit from sales of Margaret Willes's latest book bought via Court Assistant Mike James

Stationers' Hall Charity will benefit from sales of Margaret Willes's latest book bought via Court Assistant Mike James

14 APRIL 2022

Members who enjoyed Liveryman Margaret Willes's last book, Domestic Herbal, The: Plants for the Home in the Seventeenth Century, will be pleased to know that she has another book out now In the Shadow of St Paul’s Cathedral copies of which can be bought from Court Assistant Mike James and all profits from these sales will go the Stationers' Hall Charity.


Members of the Publishing Sector  get together following a busy day at the London Book Fair

Members of the Publishing Sector get together following a busy day at the London Book Fair

7 APRIL 2022

Stationers who are involved in book publishing were delighted to be able to return to some sort of normailty and a real, in-person London Book Fair at Olympia this week and our Publishing Sector Champion , Liveryman George Walkley, arranged a get-together after the Fair had closed for the day on 6 April.