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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


1 JANUARY 2018

The following deaths have been reported in 2018

Liveryman Leonard E DAVIDGE on 12 December 2018 aged 90. Made Free of the Company 27 July 1976 by Patrimony and Cloathed on 5 May 1987.

Freeman Michael Bramwell PASSMORE on 13 October 2018 aged 90. Made Free of the Company by Redemption on 26 November 1990 and cloathed on 01 October  1991.

Freeman Ralph J BATCHELOR on 24 September 2018 aged 76. Made Free of the Company on 15 May 2006 by Freedom 500 OSA.

Past Master Christopher Thurston RIVINGTON on 06 September 2018 aged 98. Cloathed on 1 May 1945 and was Master in 1983-1984.

Past Master John WATERLOW on 19 August 2018 aged 73. Cloathed on 7th May 1968.

Liveryman Patricia J BATLEY on 19 April 2018 aged 89. Cloathed on 4th April 1995.

Court Assistant Baroness Brenda DEAN on 13 March 2018 aged 74. Cloathed on 1st December 2009.

Liveryman Christopher J F LATHAM on 9 February 2018 aged 86. Cloathed on 4th April 1995.