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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


  Welcome to my blog!   Do visit the page from time to time and see what is inspiring me, exercising me and amusing me as Company life moves forward.  

February 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

26 FEBRUARY 2020

It has become clear that having a coherent policy on CSR is nowadays increasingly a requirement for commercial clients looking for venues for their events. To remain competitive, Stationers' Hall must do the same.


Improving Security

Improving Security

11 FEBRUARY 2020


March 2019

The Church of St Martin-within-Ludgate

The Church of St Martin-within-Ludgate

9 MARCH 2019

I am delighted to announce that the acting Bishop of London has appointed the Rt Rev'd Dr Stephen Platten as the first Chaplain of St Martin-within-Ludgate (SMWL). As you may already know, Bishop Stephen is a Court Assistant of the Stationers' Company and an old boy of the old Stationers' Company's School. I am sure that you will all join with me in congratulating Bishop Stephen on his appointment.


March 2017

Affiliated Charities

Affiliated Charities

9 MARCH 2017

All organisations can achieve so much more when they work in partnership with others.

This is something, perhaps, that the Stationers' Company knows only too well; as we rely so heavily on the huge amount of time and effort that so many of our members put into all of our activities.



Celebrating Yorkshire Day with the BPIF

Celebrating Yorkshire Day with the BPIF

2 MARCH 2017

It was a great pleasure to represent the Stationers' Company at a barbecue lunch in Leeds on 1 August 2017 to celebrate Yorkshire Day, as well as print, creative and digital success in the north of England. The event was jointly organised by the BPIF and CDI Yorkshire.

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