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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


26 FEBRUARY 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility

It has become clear that having a coherent policy on CSR is nowadays increasingly a requirement for commercial clients looking for venues for their events. To remain competitive, Stationers' Hall must do the same.

Last Thursday, the Deputy Clerk gave the staff a presentation on corporate social responsibility (CSR). 

It has become clear that having a coherent policy on CSR is nowadays increasingly a requirement for commercial clients looking for venues for their events. To remain competitive, Stationers' Hall must do the same.

The Company has a very strong record in supporting charitable activities and education and has in the last two years substantially increased the public benefit that it offers through tours and open events.

So, the area that we have chosen to focus on is sustainability: with energy saving and reduced food waste being our first two priorities. Our first step will be to calculate our current carbon footprint, after which we will set annual targets to reduce this.

We would welcome feedback from members on this.