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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


The Company's principal welfare activity is the provision of annual or one-off grants of money to persons in need, hardship or distress.

The following are eligible for consideration:-
  • Liverymen and Freemen of the Company
  • Their spouses, partners or dependants
  • Other persons at the Trustees' discretion  

In the first instance applicants for grants should write to:-

Katie Dare, Education Coordinator
The Stationers' Foundation,
Stationers' Hall,
Ave Maria Lane,
London       EC4M 7DD
 Application Form 
Please set out as much information about yourself as you can and your reason for applying for a grant. The application will be passed to the Honorary Almoner who will contact the applicant to discuss their application and if necessary arrange a convenient time to visit them to determine their suitability for receiving assistance from the Trustees.
All financial assistance will be means tested and recommendations for support will be based upon need and upon the Trustees’ view of the value of the support.
The Trustees’ decisions are final and no appeals will be countenanced.
Honorary Almoner
The Honorary Almoner has a discretionary fund which can be used in cases of extreme emergency. Should a Stationer become aware that a fellow Stationer or member of their family requires help, they should contact the Honorary Almoner to discuss the situation in the first instance.

The Honorary Almoner is also available to provide advice and moral support for Stationers and their families who get into difficulty.  He also arranges for the widows and widowers of members to attend the annual Cakes and Ale Event (see main image).
The Honorary Almoner is:-
Mr Peter Allan