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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


25 JULY 2024

Freeman Murray Sale , MD of Hensal shares his views on the print industry

I am often surprised by people’s reactions outside of the print industry when the perception of the print industry is often, print is dying, or, we are affecting the planet by using paper and chopping down rain forest to make paper. These are all myths and would suggest if you want to know the facts about paper and print you visit

Without doubt the demand for print has changed dramatically over the last 3 decades. However, we should take a great deal of pride and satisfaction on how our wonderful industry has adapted to the constant changes we face. Not only to adapt to the ever-changing demands, but to also be at the forefront, embrace new technology and not see them as a threat, but an opportunity to create innovative printed material. You know that tangible object that we have an emotional attachment to called print like a book, a brochure, a sales piece. For those that went to DRUPA in June would have been amazed of the plethora of diverse print that is available to us now and how it is forever evolving to meet the demands and capture the eye of the next generation.

I, along with many other printers and associated trades had to cancel my DRUPA trip due to the snap election was called and once again the services of a multitude of printers were called upon. It is refreshing that print for all elements of an election is one, if not the preferred choice for communications when it comes to elections. The recent snap election required us printers to react, respond and deliver and we did. From Polling Station Packs to Nationwide Postal Voting Packs. From Canvassing Material to Ballot Papers, the list is endless. 

I am in doubt the way in which we vote over the years will change.  However, I would not be at all surprised that print will remain at the forefront and a major factor with the changes and we in the industry will have a major say in how this takes shape. 

So, for all those involved please give yourselves a huge pat on the back. No matter what the result was you all played a huge part in our nations democratic right to vote. Delivering on time without fail!