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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


14 OCTOBER 2024

Sheriffs’ Reflections - 5th September 2024 - Freeman Andrew Marsden

Thank you to the many people who packed St Lawrence Jewry to hear me give the Inaugural Sheriffs’ Reflections, based on the highly acclaimed series of Reflections of The Lord Mayor, and help raise important sums for the Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund which does such great work in the rehabilitation of prisoners.

Exceptionally well-organised by Chris Seow - who originated the Mayoral events nearly 10 years ago - the evening began with Chris providing the Founder’s Welcome. Former Lord Mayor Sir Charles Bowman provided a formal welcome, with me then providing a “behind the curtain” look at what it truly means to be a Sheriff of The City of London… tights and all! Open questions followed, and a summary was given by Past Lord Mayor Sir David Wootton. Everyone then enjoyed a wonderful informal buffet and drinks making new friendships and renewing old ones late into the evening.

Sheriffs have been around since the C 7th as the representatives of the Monarch, raising taxes, managing the Judiciary, and raising the militia. Imagine the Sheriff of Nottingham and you won’t go far wrong!

In 1131 Henry 1st allowed the Citizens of London to elect its own Sheriffs, followed by the election of a Mayor in 1189. Until 1867 the City’s Sheriffs ran their own commercial courts.

My own Shrieval year was full of activity...over 500 events in all:

Five Royal engagements; attending the first State Visit in several years; hosting international delegations from China, Ukraine, the USA, and Iceland; attending 116 dinners, 127 lunches, & 256 other Civic, charity and business events; and an unforgettable 8-day trip to war torn Ukraine...

...and becoming the first Sheriff in 900 years to get married in office. Yes, in a quirky plot change, The Sheriff did indeed marry his Maid Marian!

It was also an opportunity for me to raise the profile of causes and business issues I am concerned with – the different needs of the City’s 17k Microbusinesses; the fact that over 1⁄2 the value of the world’s stock markets – $75 trillion - is in intangible assets… mostly brand value managed by my fellow marketers; to increase the profile of female issues – ranging from the ‘glass ceiling’ women often still face, celebrating the UN’s International Day of Female Judges, the scourge of FGM and forced marriage inflicted on young women and girls; to celebrate the positive impact of a decade of same-sex marriage in a world where homosexuality is still illegal in 73 countries; of the growing scourge of knife crime; and to celebrate the young business leaders of tomorrow.

But it was also a year which caused me to reflect deeply – on our City, our Country and what really matters in life. On how education and hard work has paid off for so many and hopefully will continue to do so; on the Constitutional stability we all take for granted in this country…and shouldn’t; of how proud we should be of the unstinting support of our 4m+ charity volunteers; that following my deeply moving visit to Ukraine, of how privileged we are to live in a western liberal democracy and must support those who are fighting for theirs…and finally, on how The Livery must defend its 900 year old franchise and take an active part in the governance of The City of London by putting forward candidates from amongst its 50k senior business men and women members for Aldermen, Common Councillors, Sheriffs and Lords Mayor who will ensure that the unique privileges and non-party political service to the nation of The City continues…thus ensuring it remains one of the world’s greatest financial brands and a key engine for economic growth.

As one experienced City Doyen attendee kindly wrote afterwards “Despite being around The City for years, I found it fascinating to see how all the pieces fitted together - and to realise what a big jigsaw it was! You and Marian must be so proud of what you have achieved.”

It was indeed the privilege of a lifetime.

Domine, Dirige Nos

Andrew Marsden MStJ