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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


27 APRIL 2022

Annual Court Trip - 2022 Glasgow

Last weekend members of the Court enjoyed the Annual Court trip which this year went to Glasgow. Organised and led by the Master and Sue Flather, the Court enjoyed beautiful weather and great hospitality in this often misunderstood city.

A walking tour of the city included many historic sites of printing. The first University printers were Andrew and Robert Foulis who dominated printing in the city in the 18th century. On our tour we were very suprised to be asked by our guide to look down and saw in the pavement a headstone. The Foulis brothers were buried in Ramshorn Graveyard but when the road was widened their resting pace was considered too important to move so a memorial was set into the pavement.



The tours also visited the Charles Rennie Mackintosh designed buildings for the Glasgow Herald and the Daily Record (see below).

The visit concluded with a visit to Stirling Castle (see below) and a boat trip on Loch Katrine (see main photo). The weather was very kind!