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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


26 APRIL 2022


ApprenticeFutures is the apprenticeship brand of the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Since 2018, when Past Master Helen Esmonde set up the first one, the Company has run an  Apprentices careers festival each year. In 2019 it moved into the Guildhall and became the centrepiece of the London Corporation's London Careers Festival.  In lockdown the event went online.

The Stationers’ Company Education Committee and ApprenticeFutures team are now gearing-up  for their first in-person Apprentice Futures event since 2019.  This will take place at Guildhall over two days.  On 27 June, when the focus will be on those aged 16 plus, and on 28 June which will be open to students in years 10-13.

The Master of the Stationers and the Sheriff will formally open the proceedings on the Tuesday morning and a photographer will be present to capture the event. The City of London is doing lots of PR and marketing, as is the Stationers’ Company and details of those attending will be posted on the ApprenticeFutures website.  As you can imagine this will take a lot of work to set up and we are asking members of the Company interested in helping with this prestigious event to click here to view the precise needs and sign up!