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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


6 APRIL 2022

Ceremonies at the Court Meeting of 5 April 2022

The Court of the Stationers' Company met at Barber Surgeons' Hall on 5 April 2022.  At the end of their business there were three ceremonies.

Giles Fagan, was re-elected as Clerk, made the necessary declaration and signed against it as required.  The Master then made David Hetherington Free of the Company.  Freedoms usually take place at a meeting of the Master and Wardens Committee but  David, who  is Vice President ā€“ Global Business Development - of Books International in the US,  was over in London for the London Book Fair and it made sense to hold his Freedom ceremony while he was in town.

David with his Freedom Certificate

The Master then greeted Liveryman Anne Ashworth and Liveryman Robert Harding  who were also introduced to the Upper and Under Wardens having been cloathed virtually back in 2020.

Anne and Robert in the gowns of the Livery