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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


6 OCTOBER 2021

Freedoms and Cloathings on 5 October 2021

At a Court meeting held on 5 October 2021 at Armourers’ Hall in the City of London the Master conducted Freedom  and Cloathing ceremonies. 

The following were made Free of the Company:-

Fergus Bell - CEO and Founder, Fathm
Annabel Couldrey  - Product Developer, Charfleet Book Bindery
Leon Jolly – Director, The Jolly Savage Ltd

In this photo taken by Lucie McCord you can see Leon, Annie and Fergus reading their declarations

And the seven new Liverymen were:-

Richard Chapman – Director, Richard P Chapman Design Associates
Stephen Collins – President,  Old Stationers’ Association
Janet Gibson – Convenor and Researcher , The House of Lords
Charles Jarrold – CEO, BPIF
Richard Mawson – Managing Director, CyanX Ltd
Dmytro Tupchiienko – Freelance Journalist
Debbie Waldron-Hoines – Director, Avant-Tout Management Services Ltd

In this photo by Lucie McCord you can see the candidates for the Livery processing up through the Court Assistants towards the Master.  Armourers' Hall was very welcoming, fascinating, beautiful (see the top image of armour and weapons suspended on the wall of the staircase)  and  ... a tight squeeze!