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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


11 OCTOBER 2021

Stationers Foundation Golf Classic 2021

Just over £8,000 was raised at the fifteenth Charity Golf Day held at Worplesdon Golf Club on the 29th September, when forty-six entrants played at this Surrey heathland course.

After a morning attempting to tame the course, drinks were enjoyed on the terrace.

A splendid lunch in the Club’s high vaulted Dining Room followed when Past Master Kevin Dewey outlined some of the work of the Foundation and then presented the winners with their prizes.

During lunch our auction was held, this year very ably and amusingly conducted by George Burnand, a Liveryman from the Grocers' Company who extracted some extraordinarily high bids.

Our thanks go to all who played as well as our sponsors, and those who so generously gave us auction lots.

Photo of Past Master Kevin Dewey presenting  the Individual Winner, Tony Wood, with his prize


Photo of Past Master Kevin Dewey presenting  the Ladies Winner, Jo Angel, with her prize.