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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


17 FEBRUARY 2022

National Archives Workshops

The National Archives are  organising workshops aimed at postgraduate students interested in visual archival sources and material culture and available online or on-site.  These workshops will feature the Stationers' Hall Records.

Sarah Castagnetti, Design Photographs and Art Team Head at The National Archives has alerted us to  some workshops which her team is running. They're aimed at postgraduate students interested in visual archival sources and material culture and are taking place on 22nd (online) and 24th March (on-site at The National Archives). People can book either just the online day or both the online and on-site days.

The workshops have been designed to develop the knowledge and experience of those undertaking research in material culture and  will explore the different kinds of records held at The National Archives that can be useful sources for material culture research; this will include the Stationers' Hall records and also registered designs from 1839 to 1991 plus other artwork, graphic design and photographs produced or collected by government departments.

Attendees will be guided through the history and structure of the different collections and explain how best to search and browse the online catalogue to find useful results. The mysteries of using indexes and registers to find specific relevant material will also be explained.

All the relevant information is on Eventbrite