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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


14 OCTOBER 2021

Stationers' Dinner in New York - 11 October 2021

On a balmy autumnal evening at an open air restaurant in Bryant Park in the centre of Manhattan, Liveryman Tyler Carey organised what will hopefully be the first of many Stationers’ dinners in New York City .

The reason for the dinner was a chance visit by Tony Mash, the Under Warden, who took the opportunity to bring the group up to speed on the latest developments at Stationers’ Hall. He read a letter of best wishes from the Master, Robert Flather, and was able to share a little of the history of our Company including the role Stationers played in the funding of the early settlements in Virginia, the introduction of the printing press in Boston and the Company’s role in the 1600s associated with the development of copyright which later found its way into the laws of the United States.

At the dinner were from left to right in the photo, Tyler Carey, Liveryman, Westchester Publishing Services;  Brian O'Leary, the Book Industry Study Group (the US trade association for publishing); Lorraine Shanley, Liveryman, Market Partners International; Deb Taylor, Westchester Publishing Services; Michael Healy, Freeman, Copyright Clearance Center; Karen Romano, the Book Industry Guild of New York; Tony Mash, Under Warden, and Cev Bryerman, Freeman Elect, Publishers Weekly.

As with all Stationers’ events, the dinner was a truly convivial one and there was general agreement that this kind of event should be repeated regularly to enhance networking across the Communications and Content industries in the USA and beyond. It also has an important role providing a platform for engaging with those interested in learning more about the Stationers’ Company and considering membership.