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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


9 MARCH 2022

The Stationers' Team Wins the Inter-Livery Bridge Tournament

Liverymen Peter Bonner and David Hudson, dream team winners in 2017, once again represented  the Stationers' Company  in the Inter-Livery Bridge Tournament which is organised by the Worshipful Company of Playing Card Makers and which took place at Drapers, Hall on Monday 7 March.  They had an excellent evening and ended as winners of the event. 

The photo shows  David and Peter, who are both Old Stationers, receiving their prizes from the Master of the Worshipful  Company of Playing Card Makers . The Stationers' name will once more go on the trophy.

From L-R, the Master of the Worshipful  Company of Playing Card Makers, David Hudson and Peter  Bonner

As a Company we are keen to take part in as many Inter-Livery activities as we can so members with sporting prowess and/or enough enthusiasm to turn up and represent the Stationers' Company  should make sure that the office is aware of it so that we can target information about such Inter-Livery events events.