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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries

CAKES & ALE - 1 MARCH 2022

2 MARCH 2022

Cakes & Ale - 1 March 2022

The Court  and members of the Company processed from Cutlers' Hall to St Faith's Chapel at St Paul's Cathedral yesterday for the annual John Norton Service and afterwards returned to Cutlers' for the Cakes and Ale buffet. 

After a feast of sausage and mash, cold meats, salads and, most importantly, pancakes the Master spoke and thanked the choir of Stationers' Crown Woods Academy for singing at the service.  He also paid the venerable David Meara the traditional fee of 10 shillings for his sermon

and, in accordance with tradition, he presented the Clerk with a bun.