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1 MARCH 2022

BOSS Leaders of the Future Conference: Sustainable Leadership – people, planet and you - Keynote Speaker Announced

The BOSS Federation have alerted us to their  Leaders of the Future Conference keynote speaker,  Anna Hemmings, MBE, Resilience & High Performance Specialist, Leadership Coach, 2 x Olympian & 6 x World Champion.

Anna is Britain's most successful female marathon kayaker with a staggering eleven World and European Championship medals, 9 of them gold, who by 24 had been World Champion 3 times and competed at the Olympic Games. She is now a recognised specialist in the field of resilience and the psychology of high performance regularly working with CEOs and senior leaders and speaking to companies such as P&G, Deloitte, Sony and Unilever.

At the peak of her career, Anna was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was told by medical experts she might never race again. She battled her way to full recovery and went on to win a further 3 world titles and compete at her second Olympic Games in Beijing 2008.

Anna will explore the Resilient Leaders Elements Model drawing on her own journey as an Olympic athlete, world champion, entrepreneur and expert in the field of resilience to reveal the behaviours, actions and strategies that leaders need to be resilient and deliver outstanding results.

Attendees will learn:

  • The importance of clarity of direction and a unifying purpose
  • The power of authentic leadership and building strong relationships
  • How to develop leadership presence even when you're not in the room
  • Engaging and motivating teams by understanding what drives us and others
  • Building confidence to navigate through uncertainty and change
  • Managing perspective and staying focused on what is important

Every delegate will receive a link to the Resilient Leaders Elements Lite assessment to provide them with an insight into their areas of strength and development in relation to the 4 elements of resilient leadership.

The Conference takes place on Thursday 31st March at St Bride Foundation in London from 10am-4pm.

To book your place clickhere.