27 JANUARY 2025
The Stationers’ Company Ski Team competed with 35 other livery companies in the 2025 Inter-Livery Ski Competition at Morzine last week. 10 racers and 4 supporters made up the team in a thoroughly enjoyable three days.
Gold, Silver and Bronze medals were handed out at a Gala dinner in Morzine on Friday night for the numerous races, at which the Stationers’ Company won Gold for the fastest male guest skier – James Fenwick. This was the only medal the Company won this year, narrowly missing out on a bronze medal by half a second for the ‘Fastest Court Team’.
The team this year was captained superbly by Freeman Martin de la Bedoyere and included 9 other racers (Past Master Trevor Fenwick, Court Assistant Nick Mockett, Liveryman Sarah Faulder, Liveryman Andy Jones, Liveryman Rodney Mountford, Freeman Charlie de la Bedoyere, Freeman Giles Mountford, guest James Fenwick and the Clerk, Giles Fagan) and four supporters (Liveryman Martin Woodhead, Penny Woodhead, Caroline de la Bedoyere and Hermione Taylor).
In 2026, the ski competition will take place in Mayrhofen, Austria on 14-16 January. If you would like to take part, do please register your interest with June Berry at admin@stationers.org. We will send another email out in September. Full article of the event will be in the April issue of Stationers’ News.